Campaspe Implied Buildings Subsidy Report

A consolidated snapshot of Council’s owned and managed buildings including financial information from the 2019/20 financial year.

Sourcing data

What are the data sources, where to find them, how are they updated and by whom.

  • Buildings maintenance information in TechOne Maintenance module, maintenance coordinator
  • Leases and Licences in excel spreadsheet, property coordinator
  • Financial transactions relating to buildings - TechOne Finance module, manager of finance
  • Building valuation information - spreadsheet, independent valuer

Aligning data

  • Ensuring all of the information that has been received can be aligned by using an unique identifier.


Aggregating asset information into facilities and functional asset classes.

Council has many building types that serve many different purposes.

You will need to use git.


it is as easy at that

Data Analysis

What is the message that is being delivered. In this case how much was Council contributing to managing building assets.

Visual Analysis


Attaching a map and a photo of the asset for location and identification.

Generating the report

Executive summary and analysis at the front of the report. Individual report for each facility.