Gravel Roads Analysis

Gravel Roads Report

Data Collection

We utilised existing staff due to their extensive knowledge with regards to the local roads and their respective environments and asset management to create a data collection form. The information was collected on site and segments were created based on surface types. Where a roads characteristics changed a new segment was created.

Tracking and recording existing maintenance activities

Council undertook maintenance activities on their unsealed network. These activities are recorded in a maintenance management system from which data was used as part of the analysis.

Data Analysis

The data was used to compare the overall condition of the road to the date of the last grade. It was established that their was no correlation between an improvement in the overall condition of an unsealed road and the time of the last grade.

Report Generation

The report was generated for internal use with recommendations for future changes in management techniques.

Penny Green
Penny Green
Asset Management

Asset Management Innovator