Data Management

The Budget Machine

Integrating Asset Management and Financial Management

Implied Building Subsidy Report

Generating a report outlining incomes and expenditure of Council's owned and managed building assets for the 2019/20 financial year.

Automated Reporting

Saving time on producing reports

Bringing it all together

When the Capital Works Program becomes more than a vision

Creating the Capital Works Portal

The visualisation and alignment of the Capital Works Program

Data Alignment

How organisational transparency changes when information is linked and aligned

Minimum Viable

When linking information or aligning processes

Campaspe Implied Building Subsidy Report

The alignment and visualisation of Campaspe Shire Council's Capital Works Program.

Capital Works Portal

The alignment and visualisation of Campaspe Shire Council's Capital Works Program

Transport Assets Master Data

Collating strategic data to define the operating budget